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Sara Towber

Sara Towber

Sara Towber is a Master Trainer and Certifying Instructor for Pilates Academy International, and a Yamuna Body Rolling Teacher Trainer based out of NYC. She also holds a full certification in Stott Pilates. She is pre-and post-natal certified and is qualified to work with a variety of special populations and conditions. She came to Pilates and the Yamuna work from a dance background and has been teaching since 2004. Sara is trained and certified by Yamuna Zake in Yamuna Body Rolling, Yamuna Foot Fitness, and the hands-on Table Treatment. Because of her education and focus on anatomy, Sara has an eye for alignment and an expert understanding of how the body works as a whole. She is committed to helping you find and restore the freedom in your body that you were born with. She believes no one should live in a body that is limited by pain, and that every “body” has the capacity to live and work to its full potential. She is also a proud mom to Harold, a Karate World Champion and 3 fur children.