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Chandra Greene

Chandra Greene

Pilates Instructor
Chandra is a published and syndicated Pilates and dance arts writer, with a certification in the Pilates Method with DK Body Balancing at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, which focuses on rehabilitation. She recently taught as a Dance Adjunct with Truckee Meadows Community College for two years. She earned her Bachelors of Fine Arts degree in Dance from UNLV and maintained a professionalcdance career for over twelve years of experience in the professional circuit. She has worked with networks: such as, HBO, Warner Bros. Television, Fox Entertainment, MTV, Charo Entertainment and much more. She had to retire as a professional dancer due to Lumbar Stenosis, Spondylolisthesis, bulging discs and Scoliosis, which resulted to a massive spinal injury to her lumbar region of the back that caused the lower half of her body to be paralyzed for a short period of time. As any athlete she continued to dance as her sensation came back to her legs, which resulted in a crack in her spine and led to a lumbar laminectomy – spinal fusion of the L5-S1 region of the back with two discs removed and a right hip realignment. Chandra started her Pilates passion when she was 19 years old at UNLV, and she was determined to heal her self from her surgery and continue to help others that may suffer from the same pain as she has. Her passion for the Pilates Method is seen with her clients that have found relief from hip surgeries, shoulder replacements, spinal injuries, lower back pain, postural concerns, balance and stabilization issues and learning how to breathe properly. She helps those that may feel that can’t do Pilates do to their age, weight or lack of movement. With a strong focus in learning how to practice the Pilates Method that best suits the body in front of her. "My mentor Dolly Kelepecz-Momot always stated to me: 'Do not identify yourself by your injury, your injury doesn’t defy you or identify you…' She instilled in me that just because you are injured or may have a surgery, it’s up to each individual to stay positive with positive affirmations about yourself, there is room for change, but we have to be willing to walk through the next door of our life. We do what works for our bodies, and Pilates has allowed me to be free of steroid injections, epidurals and pain management. I am free from my injury” – Chandra Greene