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Meet Your Master Trainer!

Kasey Jenkins
Kasey first found her love of Pilates as a Dance Major at Drexel University, and has been teaching Pilates ever since. An instructor since 2013, and Lead Instructor at Club Pilates Rotunda since 2018, she's excited for the opportunity to guide Teacher Trainees through their journey to become well-rounded and knowledgeable instructors!
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Meet Your Master Trainer!

Kasey Jenkins

Kasey Jenkins grew up as a dancer, but found Pilates after taking her first class in college in 2011. She was instantly hooked on the practice, finding that it not only improved her dance technique, but made her physically stronger, more connected to her body and its needs, lessened aches and pains from previous injuries, and much more. Kasey completed the Comprehensive Training Program at Drexel University one year later, and has been teaching Pilates classes ever since. Her Pilates practice also inspired her to pursue further interests in the Fitness Industry;Kasey received her Bachelors of Science in Exercise Science from Salisbury University and is currently a Certified Exercise Physiologist through the American College of Sports Medicine. Over the years, she has taken various education courses to allow her to continue to grow as a leader and instructor, including: TRX, Barre Above with Pilates Focus, Pilates Suspension Method, and more. Kasey has also been the Lead Instructor at Club Pilates Rotunda since it's opening in 2019. Always looking for a new opportunity to grow, Kasey most recently became a Master Trainer with Club Pilates. She's looking forward to helping others channel their passion for the practice and guide them to become well-rounded and knowledgeable instructors!