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Lisa was born and raised in West Harrison and has lived in Westchester her entire life, working as a CPA with a BS in Accounting from Mercy College. After putting her career on hold while her three children were young, Lisa returned to the workforce and quickly realized happiness was not found behind a desk. Having a lifelong passion and commitment to a healthy and fit lifestyle, Lisa was reintroduced to Pilates and immediately fell back in love with the method, especially noticing how it challenged and changed her body, improved her posture, and reduced back pain. Leading to a total career change, Lisa has completed over 600 certification hours of Comprehensive Pilates training with Balanced Body University, including mat, reformer, chair, Cadillac and all Pilates equipment. Currently she is studying for a level one certification in nutrition coaching. Lisa believes the integration of the Pilates principles along with a mind, body, spirit approach to movement is what sets Pilates apart from any other exercise discipline. Her love for Pilates, positive energy and enthusiastic teaching style along with a dedication to her own personal practice and ongoing workshops are qualities that help clients see and feel the benefits of Pilates and keep them coming back for more. She is most inspired by her dedicated clients and believes everyone is a “work in progress” and to aspire every day to be the best version of themselves. Lisa is super excited to be back sharing her love and passion for Pilates at Club Pilates Greenwich!