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Pilates Instructor
Born and raised in Seoul, Korea, Yoon majored in ballet at King Sejong University. She sustained an injury while performing and was introduced to Pilates. Her background in dance allowed her to fully comprehend and execute the 6 principals underlying the Pilates method. By solely rehabilitating with Pilates in the last 7 years, she was able to regain her range, strength, agility and body awareness. It was also during this time that she developed a deep respect for Pilates- its history, tradition and techniques. She devoted herself to become an instructor to share the healing, restorative and rehabilitative benefits of Pilates. 윤은 한국 서울에서 태어나 자랐다. 그녀는 한국의 세종대학에서 발레를 전공했다. 그리고 요가를 10년정도 했다. 하지만 운동을 하면서 몸을 다쳐 좌절하던 중 필라테스를 만났다. 그리고 7년동안 필라테스를 꾸준히 공부하면서 재활을 했다. 지금은 전통과 역사와 스토리가 있는 필라테스를 너무나 사랑하게 되었고 그녀는 선생님이 되었다. 그녀를 회복시켜준 고마운 필라테스를 많은 사람들에게 정확하고 성실하게 알려주려 한다.