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Heidi Rayher

Heidi Rayher

Heidi took her first Pilates class in 2018 and immediately knew she had found her thing! Heidi was a ballet dancer throughout childhood, and then became a professional Modern Dancer. Other forms of fitness in Heidi's life have included Mountain Biking and Taiko Drumming. She found Pilates in a search for fitness that is low impact and also incorporates full body workouts. She was hooked after the first class. Heidi took the CP teacher training course in August 2022 and started teaching in November 2022. Heidi really loves teaching group classes at Club Pilates Alameda. She strives to talk the group through each exercise series with simple, clear direction and cues. She also likes to make mind/body connections in her teaching style, as "we leave the rest of the world behind during our time together". She feels inspired and energized by teaching, and she really enjoys seeing clients coming back each week, improving their form and gaining strength.