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Cindy Johnson

Cindy Johnson

Cynthia (Cindy) Johnson, Ed.D is a Washington State native that began her love for Pilates in 2007 when seeking new ways to gain strength and healing due to neck and shoulder issues. She sees Pilates as an effective way to connect movement to personal growth and well-being. She believes Pilates is a fun and engaging way for anyone at any age to move their bodies in a way that leads to a strong mind, body connection. She refers to it as an individual’s secret superpower. Cindy has been an educator and principal in Pre-K12 schools, an Associate Professor, and a Department Chair at Gonzaga University. She is Associate Professor Emeritus who continues to work with doctoral candidates at G.U. She is an ACC Certified Executive and Life Coach with Atalaya Coaching and a Pilates Instructor. Cindy is excited to be part of Club Pilates, where she can bring her love for teaching, movement, and personal growth to the members. Cindy hopes that all members that work with her one on one or come to a group class feel welcome and comfortable in where they are in their journey and leave feeling encouraged, energized, and part of a supportive community.