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Eyren Basha

Eyren Basha

Eyren’s passion for fitness was reignited when she began her workouts at Club Pilates. Prior to joining Club Pilates, she found that she was beating herself up in an intense, competitive environment and not meeting her goals. She attributes Pilates to helping her to regain the emotional centering she had always enjoyed with an active lifestyle while increasing her strength and coordination in new ways, developing some serious core strength, increasing flexibility, healing an injury and meeting her health goals. Her fitness training career began the summer before starting college. She has trained, instructed and managed in a variety of athletic, fitness, rehabilitative, educational and wellness environments. She holds a BS in Kinesiology and Physical Education with an emphasis in Exercise Nutrition from California State University, East Bay. Eyren is excited to be a part of Club Pilates and helping clients to meet their health and fitness goals.