Heaven Leigh Jacobs
Heaven Leigh Jacobs discovered her love of Pilates when she took a free intro class. Having worked for a personal injury law firm, she kept seeing a recurring theme where injured clients would use Pilates as a form of physical therapy and was interested to see what it was all about. "From the first class, I was hooked! I love Pilates and connecting with people so why not add it all together and become an instructor. My favorite thing is adding humor to classes.. laughter is a great distractor especially during a challenging series plus it makes everyone feel connected more like friends rather than just members." Heaven Leigh also has a bachelors of science and works as a healthcare administrator that specializes in plastic surgery. "I tend to make classes based on what I see most requested at the plastic surgery center..lots of glutes, abs, and arms!" She believes that Pilates is for everybody and encourages feedback or questions after each of her classes.