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Meet Christine, Your Pilates Instructor! Christine's classes are not your typical workout sessions. She often tells her students that "Momentum is not your friend," emphasizing the importance of controlled and deliberate movements in Pilates. For Christine, the value of Pilates goes beyond exercise; it's about understanding proper alignment and learning how to initiate movement while avoiding patterns that can lead to chronic pain. She knows firsthand that practicing Pilates daily can significantly improve posture and core strength, counteracting the effects of long hours sitting at a computer or behind the wheel of a car. Christine's connection with Pilates runs deep. She's so passionate about it that even when on vacation in another city, she couldn't resist being a Pilates student. One day, she visited a local studio and, to her surprise, ended up teaching the class because the original instructor was sick. This has happened to her several times, proving that she's truly dedicated to sharing the benefits of Pilates wherever she goes! Join Christine in her classes and discover the power of mindful movement and proper alignment in Pilates. Her personal journey and unique teaching experiences make her a knowledgeable and enthusiastic guide on your path to better posture, core strength, and overall well-being.