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Heidi is the proud mother of 3 amazing young women. In 2012, her mother learned she had ovarian cancer. She was on the young side and had a history of different cancers in the family thus they did genetic testing. Heidi, her mother, sisters, and aunts all tested positive for the BRCA1 gene. Heidi has never had cancer but chose elective surgeries to greatly reduce her risk. Medical induced menopause led her to the fitness industry because she was eager to take back control of her dramatically changing body. She joined Anytime Fitness, and it was life changing. Working out alone was not enough for her, so she asked everyone and anyone questions. She was encouraged to get her personal trainer certification! She became so empowered! The more she learned about listening to her own body and doing what felt good the happier she became. Heidi completed her personal trainer certification and continued to get a certificate in Nutrition with Precision Nutrition. Heidi is also a Basi Comprehensive Certified Pilates Instructor. “Here I am today absolutely loving to help people and guide them on their journey. Whether that is through Personal Training, Nutrition, or Pilates! I'm looking forward to helping you achieve your health and fitness goals.”-HS