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Jennifer was certified by Body Arts & Science Institute (BASI) Founder and President Rael Isacowitz, in 2012 at the BASI studio, Newport Beach, CA. From the beginning of Pilates’ training, Jennifer knew she had to find a way to share this life skill with children. This ambition led to research the ill effects of inactive sitting for grades K-12, for her case study, necessary for the comprehensive (BASI) certification. Since then, she has been sharing her skills in the studio and out by volunteering with a variety of populations, age groups, and organizations that would not have access to professional Pilates or equipment. “In childhood, habits are easily formed - good and bad. Why not then concentrate on the formation of only good habits and thus avoid the necessity later on in life of attempting to correct bad habits and substituting for them good habits." Joseph H. Pilates, 1934 Almost a century later Joseph Pilates’ words still ring true and outline Jennifer’s dream of pioneering a Pilates’ curriculum into schools. Until that time, Jennifer is excited to utilize her imaginative cueing, attention to detail and versatility, at Club Pilates West Tacoma with the amazingly talented staff she is excited to learn from.