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Pilates Is Famous For Sculpting Lean Bodies, but It's Actually the Ultimate Injury Rehab

If you've ever dealt with an injury, you know that it can be physically and emotionally traumatizing.
There's a significant level of anxiety that can come from a physical injury. We spoke with Michelle Lee, a POPSUGAR employee who has suffered from two herniated discs and turned to Pilates as a form of rehabilitation —
both for the core strength and pain relief and the respite from the mental anguish that can come with a hurt back.

Sara Grout, master trainer for Club Pilates, told us that Pilates can actually help to activate the parasympathetic nervous system while also "toning down the hyperactivity of our sympathetic nervous system." Essentially, this exercise can help us chill out and manage anxiety. "Most of us spend our days in 'fight or flight' mode. We rush from appointment to appointment, we fight our way through traffic, we have to get the kids off to school in time, and we overfuel ourselves on caffeine and/or sugar."
OK, who's spying on us?! But for real — she has a serious point.


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